The sailors of H.M.A.S. Gayundah, now in port, are a versatile lot, and among others their accomplishments number a very creditable Minstrel Troupe. They have offered their services in aid of the Ambulance Brigade here, and a concert is to be held in the School of Arts on Tuesday next, for which they will put on the whole programme. The fun commences with the usual circle, and choruses, comics, ballads, dances, character impersonations and monologues, will form the nucleus of this part of the programme. A farce will wind up the programme. Concerts held In other towns along the coast have been highly successful, so that the troupe is at least experienced, and hopes to prove its worth on Tuesday night.

Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 – 1954)  Sat 14 Sep 1912   Page 6